Our girls were hitting it out the park at the SA Schools Open last week. Well done to Laura Smit, Amy Shannon & Julia Anderson. Flying the flag high.
JHB Juniors – Latest Ladder
The ladder has been updated after the Open. Bloem and Graded Tournament : Please find it here
Mini but Major Tournament
Hannah Hambly, one of Joburg Junior Squash’s previous Provincial players is launching an exciting initiative! Aimed at getting new and more junior up-and-coming squash players onto our courts by providing a limited time, social, mini-tournament held at Parkview on a Saturday, this is bound to be great fun, whilst improving skill levels and matchplay all round. All standards and ages of players are welcome Time is short to enter this week, so get in there before it’s too late! Get your Squash on!And watch this space for more to come… PLEASE NOTE: This is NOT one of the 4 required Continue Reading
2024 JHB Junior Squash Up Coming events
There are 3 upcoming events:
Joburg Junior Squash IPT Teams 2023
Well done to all those who made the teams. Sunday saw the culmination of hard work, lots of sweat, and the odd tear or two – and a few bruises along the way – with our Provincial Capping Ceremony for our dedicated Squash players. This Fine Young Bunch will fly Joburg Junior Squash’s colours high in various age groups across the country at our prestigious SA Schools Inter-provincial Tournaments at the end of the month. Congratulations to all of you! And to those that didn’t make it this year, there is always next year to aim for. Keep on playing, because Continue Reading
2023 Growthpoint SA Regional Squash Championships
The Growthpoint SA Regional Squash Championships for U15 U17 U19 took place in Johannesburg this last weekend. All winners of this regional event have the opportunity to compete in the SA National event in Cape Town in August. Congratulations to the winners below: Growthpoint SA National Regional U15 Girls- Winner Vivienne van der Schyff Growthpoint SA National Junior Regional Squash Championship. Joburg U19 Girls – Winner: Elske Garbers Growthpoint SA National Junior Regional Squash Championship. Joburg Boys U19 – Winner: Diodivine Mkhize Growthpoint SA National Regional Squash Championship. Girls U17 – Winner: Anke Garbers Growthpoint SA National Junior Squash Championship. Continue Reading
2023 Standard Bank Joburg Junior Squash Closed tournament
To see the full results, click here. Thanks Standard Bank for he great sponsorship. As usual, the competition was well run and there were some great matches.
2023 Junior Squash IPT
Thanks to everyone who confirmed their availability to participate in IPT. Based on the commitment received, we will be sending the following: Venue Boys Girls U11 Port Elizabeth 0 team 0 team U13 East London 1 team (5 players) 1 team (5 players) U14 Joburg 1 team ( 5 players)** 1 team (4 players) U16 Bloemfontein 1 team (5 players) 1 team (5 players) U19 Stellenbosch 2 team (11 players) 1 team (5 players) We do not have enough players for the U14 boys team. However, if acceptable to the parents, we are happy to make up a team Continue Reading
2023 Joburg Junior Squash Graded Tournament
What a great tournament held at Western Racquets Squash Club. For the Final Results, please have a look here : https://www.sportyhq.com/tournament/view/2023-Graded-Tournament-Joburg-Junior-Squash. Congratulations to all the winners Here are some photos of the Prizegiving at the end :
Please see additional information on the 2023 Graded Tournament. The closing date to enter is close…. Please go to sportyhq at this link to sign-up : https://www.sportyhq.com/tournament/view/2023-Graded-Tournament-Joburg-Junior-Squash