Please take note of this directive from Squash SA, particularly if the player takes Asthma or ADHD/ADD medication: The World Anti-Doping Code International Standard Prohibited List (Prohibited List) specifiessubstances and methods that are prohibited in sport, including substances and methods that areprohibited In-Competition only, as well as those that are prohibited at all times.

Elzandri van Rensburg – Taking names at the Tswalu National Squash Doubles 2024

A last minute paring of Elzandri, with accomplished and top ranked Alexa Pienaar proved the undoing of previous champs and number one seeds, Alexander Fuller and Cheyna Wood. Targeting the 15 year old Elzandri, was a poor decision when she went toe-to-toe with the previous world number 22, Fuller, and the single- handedly, slotted 5 consecutive winners to take the match away from the astonished SA champions ( and her doubles partner),  with a 2-1 win. Elzandri is from Northerns & a SA Schools player who recently came 3rd in a Singapore tournament After her magical Tswalu debut, Elzandri had Continue Reading

Why do Squash Players need safety glasses?

Why do we need safety glasses ? – By Shelly Manning Because squash is the only sport in the world where we play with 2 blunt objects (racquets) and a speeding missile, within a confined space of 4 walls. Every other racquet sport, you hit towards the opposite side of the court where your opponent is, and you can see them all the time. Our sport is like physical chess where you can manoeuvre the ball and your fellow player to all 4 corners of the court, and hopefully keep them behind you! For this reason, all the rules of Continue Reading

Outdoor Squash in South Africa

A great piece by Tshepo Molefe The few early stories about what is known as squash today indicate that in the early 1800 the ball was hit against any available wall in the front. The history of squash on WSF indicates that squash started with one wall in the front. Then side walls were introduced as players wanted to use whatever space that was available. Initially it was played in the outdoors of schools like Harrow and prisons like Fleet Prison and Kings Bench Prison. With the popularity of the game it evolved and was played in a three wall Continue Reading